ProjectWise Deliverables Management Help

To Select an Internal Participant (delegate responder) to Respond to an RFI on Your Behalf

If you receive an RFI and you would like someone else to respond on your behalf, you can select a delegate responder. The project administrator can also select delegate responders. The delegate responder can be any internal participant, including those who are already on the CC list of the RFI. When the delegate responds, it will appear to the sender as if the original recipient (and not the delegate) is the responder.

  1. Expand the Deliverables Management node under your associated work area.
  2. Expand the Incoming folder and select the RFIs folder.
  3. Open the RFI from the list.
  4. In the upper right corner of the RFI, click the menu and select the Delegate option.
  5. In the Select delegate dialog, select a delegate responder (the person who will be responding on behalf of the original recipient) and click Confirm.
  6. When prompted to confirm, click Yes.

The internal participant selected as the delegate responder is sent an email notifying them that they have received an RFI.

The Question tab of the RFI now shows which internal participant has been delegated to respond on behalf of the original recipient.